1) Start your mornings with freshly-squeezed juices, fruits and vegetables, and other raw foods. Living foods help to detoxify the body. I always feel ready for the day when I have a good breakfast.
2) Detoxify your thoughts. Write in a journal. Have an hour of quiet time with the Lord. Get a good devotional book to help. And SING! Trust me: this helps you feel good immediately!
3) Clean your living area. Cleanliness is next to godliness, right? Clean closets, your desk (hmmm....I see I need to take my own advice!) kitchen, drawers, and spice cabinets. I'm always amazed at how much lighter I feel when I do this!
4) Build friendships and community. Take a few minutes each day to reach out to someone. Maybe someone has some health issues or is struggling in some way. Or maybe you just want to get to know someone better. I find that I like to send cards through the mail. I also like to receive them but rarely do! (HINT, HINT.) When I was having some health issues a few years ago, I got a few get well cards in the mail from customers and former employers. It was so special to me!
5) Clean out your pantry! If something doesn't look or smell right PITCH IT! I'm all for using up ingredients so there's less waste. I know how difficult it is to grow and make food. But sometimes stuff just goes bad. Replace these items with healthier versions.

6) Learn from the past and move forward. Don't hang on to your past with its guilt, pain, and mistakes. It cannot be undone. Keep the good memories and hang on to the valuable lessons you learned. Ask for forgiveness and extend forgiveness to others. Repent of sins that were committed. Then, step forward. Do not do as Lot's wife and look back.
7) Spend more time outside! This is helpful to the mind and body. A little bit of sun will provide you with some vitamin D. Hiking, biking, gardening, mowing the lawn (using a reel mower is great!), or simply taking a walk will help get your blood flowing, energize your body, and lift

your spirits. Take a friend if you don't want to go alone! Studies have shown that spending more time outdoors can help improve concentration, promote more rapid healing of injuries, and even make you happier overall.