I thought I would share a bit of what I do outside of the shop. These pictures were taken the week of June 3 through June 8, 2019. Maybe this will somewhat explain why I am away from my desk and the shop sometimes??? Summer is busy for us here! I'm sure you all have a lot going on, too. Feel free to share a picture or comment on our facebook page about what you've been up to lately!
The garden has been doing well considering how wet the spring had been. We have been getting asparagus, lettuce, kale, and now strawberries!!

We had about 6 acres of hay to do and since we are only four people (three of which aren't much help driving tractors and such) my brother-in-law and nephews came to help. I did get to drive the tractor but I won't say I did a good job. I will say that no one got hurt AND I didn't wreck into anything!

The flowers have been showing their pretty selves. I didn't get a picture of the Irises but between those and these peonies, there was a lot to smell. God sure knew we needed flowers! "Every good and perfect gift comes from above.."
