This recipe is called Amish Baked Oatmeal. Now, I don't know if you are Amish or not but obviously it's not Amish baked if you aren't Amish...right?? I'm guessing the recipe comes from an Amish lady's kitchen thus the name. Anyway, I'm all about food. I try to eat as healthy as possible using good ingredients but not always can I nor do I want to. Hence, the random stops at Taco Bell. I like meals that are hearty especially in the winter months.

The recipe is a basic one and is simple to follow.
Find Vietnamese Cinnamon, Sea Salt, and Baking Powder in the
Bulk section on our website.

We added homemade fruit pie filling to ours. This is where it gets tricky though! It seems I forgot to record a few details of how we made this baked oatmeal. I guess I'm not that great of a blogger, eh?

Okay so I cheated and looked online for a recipe using pie filling in baked oatmeal. GASP!! Hey! Don't judge! I already admitted that I'm not good at this blogging business. Anyway, don't mix the pie filling in the batter but pour it in the bottom of your greased pan and put the oatmeal mixture over the top then bake. The recipe I looked off of is here.
Yet another thing I forgot which I didn't realize until I had this post started: I FORGOT A PICTURE OF THE FINAL PRODUCT.
Maybe the next post will be better?
My reminder:
"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3